Sunday, August 23, 2009

the zombie survival guide

The zombie survival guide is a fictional survival guide, only it focus with surviving hordes of the walking dead rather than tying knots. i really like this book because when I'm reading it ill catch myself thinking "I should keep this in mind just in case." Max Brooks does an amazing job convincing the reader that zombies actually exist. "Molotov cocktail: this term applies to any jar of flammable liquid with a primitive fuse. its a cheap effective way to kill multiple zombies a once.
the book starts off telling you exactly what a zombie is. Max Brooks's zombie is infected with a virus. The virus takes control of the host and turns them into a sencless savage that literally
cannot feel anything. all bodily functions cease including heart beat and breathing. Zombies are also completely brain dead and can't reason at all. They have a one track mind set on finding prey.
The virus can only be spread through fluidic contact. witch means you can only get the disease by being bitten or transfer through and open wound. once you are infected you will die and turn into a zombie 100% of the time. there is no cure for the disease.
The only way to kill a zombie is by shooting it in the head. A zombie will keep crawling towrd you even if all thats left is a head and shoulders, this mkes them very dangerous. this has alot of
influence on the book. later on when he discusses weapons this is the main thing he considers when picking the right weapon.

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