Thursday, September 17, 2009

I hope they serve beer in hell

A friend of mine lent me a book called i hope they serve beer in hell. techniquly its a non-fiction book but after reading it, hearing all the crazy coincedences and cliches, as well as a huge plot hole, I'm not so sure.

The book revolves around a notorious "player" named tucker max, and all his out landish friends. their personalities are so simple and predictable, its hard to believe any of it is true. the main focus of the book is how freakin' awesome Tucker Max is. this kind of writing might appeal to twelve year olds but not to me. "We [Junior and I] became friends because he is one of the few people i've ever met in my life who not only does better with women than I do-Way better, actually-but simply put, he can not only keep up with me, he can exceed me at times.not many people can."

All the stories go as fallows Tucker introduces the scene; makes a couple immature jokes about fast food or pooping; tell some crazy tale about how he was the center of attention and did some really manly or cool thing at a party, bar, cocktail party or conference center etc...; got really drunk; hooked up a randomn chick and triumphed at life; he then closes with a reflection of how awesome he is. this writing is unbearably predictable to the point where the reader questions its accuracy.

I haven't decided weather or not I'm going to finish this book yet. so far i dont really like it but we'll see.

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